Descendants Of The Sun

Drama: Descendants of the Sun (English & literal title)
Revised romanization: Taeyangui Hooye
Hangul: 태양의 후예
Director: Lee Eung-Bok
Writer: Kim Eun-Sook, Kim Won-Suk
Network: KBS2
Episodes: 16
Release Date: February 24 – April 14, 2016
Runtime: Weds. & Thurs. 22:00
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea


UN peacekeeping troops are dispatched to the war-torn country of Uruk (fictional Eastern European country). Captain Yoo Shi Jin (Song Joong Ki) is the team leader of the Special Warfare Command unit, meets Kang Mo Yun (Song Hye Kyo), a volunteer doctor with Doctors Without Borders. As they work alongside each other in disaster- and disease-stricken zones, Shi Jn and Mo Yun clash then fall in love.


Descendants of the Sun-Song Joong-Ki.jpgDescendants of the Sun-Song Hye-Kyo.jpgDescendants of the Sun-Jin Goo.jpgKim Ji-WonDescendants of the Sun-Kang Shin-Il.jpg
Song Joong-KiSong Hye-KyoJin GooKim Ji-WonKang Shin-Il
Yoo Shi-JinKang Mo-YeonSeo Dae-YoungYoon Myeong-JooLieutenant General Yoon
Descendants of the Sun-Kim Byung-Chul.jpgDescendants of the Sun-Park Hoon.jpgChoi WoongDescendants of the Sun-Ahn Bo-Hyun.jpgKim Min-Suk
Kim Byung-ChulPark HoonChoi WoongAhn Bo-HyunKim Min-Suk
Park Byung-SooChoi Woo-GeunKong Chul-HoIm Gwang-NamKim Gi-Bum
Lee Seung-JoonDescendants of the Sun-Seo Jung-Yeon.jpgDescendants of the Sun-Onew.jpgDescendants of the Sun-Park Hwan-Hee.jpgDescendants of the Sun-Hyun Jyu-Ni.jpg
Lee Seung-JoonSeo Jung-YeonOnewPark Hwan-HeeHyun Jyu-Ni
Song Sang-HyunHa Ja-AeLee Chi-HoonChoi Min-JiPyo Ji-Soo
Tae In-HoDescendants of the Sun-Park Ah-In.jpgDescendants of the Sun-Jo Woo-Ri.jpgDescendants of the Sun-Jasper Cho.jpgDescendants of the Sun-Jeon Soo-Jin.jpg
Tae In-HoPark Ah-InJo Woo-RiCho Tae-KwanJeon Soo-Jin
Han Suk-WonKim Eun-JiJang Hee-EunDanielle SpencerRi Ye-Hwa
Descendants of the Sun-David McInnis.jpg
David McInnis
Additional Cast Members:



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